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Local 766: Denver

WHO: UAW Local 766: Denver Members

WHAT: Strike Authorization Vote

WHEN: Thursday, March 20, 2025, 7 AM - 7 PM

WHERE: Union Hall, 3774 S. Kalamath Street, Englewood Colorado 80110

766 Strike Authorization Flyer

Local 788: Orlando

WHO: UAW Local 788: Orlando Members

WHAT: Strike Authorization Vote

WHEN: Thursday, March 20, 2025, 5 AM - 5:30 PM

WHERE: Union Hall, 1825 W. Oakridge Rd., Orlando, FL 32809

Local 788 Strike Authorization Vote


March 15, 2025 - Local 788: Orlando

After a week of local bargaining in Orlando, our members showed solidarity and unity on Saturday, March 15 at our Bargaining Kickoff! Members gathered to hear about what their bargaining committee has done locally in negotiations and how they will continue to fight for the member demands at National bargaining is Charlotte, North Carolina. It was an event filled with excitement and hope. Brothers and sisters from other unions like UniteHere, LiUNA, APWU, IUPAT joined in solidarity. Congressman Maxwell Frost and Representative, Tom Keen, were also in attendance and encouraged membership to stay strong! Together, we can win a record contract that will impact our future! Stay engaged and united!

Congressman Maxwell Frost
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Group Kickoff
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Our Demands

Lockheed Martin Member Demands
Lockheed Martin By The Numbers

Bargaining Team

Local 766: Denver

UAW Local 766 Bargaining Team Group Shot
UAW Local 766 Bargaining Team discusses bargaining priorities

Local 788: Orlando

Local 788: Orlando discussing bargaining strategy
UAW Local 788: Orlando Bargaining Team Group Shot